

application areaproduct modelCircuit topologypackageOutput specificationScheme nameFile data
spotlightTP8203Without isolation PFCSOP810V/300mAThe application scheme of 10v/300ma/4w spotlights without isolation PFC
spotlightTP8205Without isolation PFCSOP816V/300mAThe application scheme of 16V/300mA/7W spotlights without isolation PFC
spotlightTP8207Without isolation PFCSOP823V/300mAThe application scheme of 23v/300ma/9w spotlights without isolation PFC
spotlightTP8217Without isolation PFCSOP823V/300mAThe application scheme of 23v/300ma/9w three-stage switch dimming spotlight without isolation PFC
spotlightTP8005Medium and low voltage DC-DCSOT89-5L12V/1AApplication Scheme of Medium and Low Voltage DC-DC 12/1A 12W PWM/ Analog Dimming Spotlight
spotlightTP8015Medium and low voltage DC-DCSOT89-5L24V/1AMedium and low voltage DC-DC 24/1A 24W PWM/ analog dimming spotlight application scheme
spotlightTP9920Medium and low voltage DC-DCSOT23-6L24V/2AApplication scheme of medium and low voltage DC-DC 24/2A 48W PWM/ analog dimming spotlight
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